The Dreaded “What’s Your Greatest Weakness?” Question


We have all heard it, "What do you consider to be your greatest weakness?" Yet few people appear to be prepared for it.  Let's address that now. There is, of course, no right answer. It is more a matter of how one answers the question. One of my clients answers this question with, "My greatest [...]

The Dreaded “What’s Your Greatest Weakness?” Question2013-04-10T23:34:03-05:00

The “What’s Your Greatest Strength?” Question, And How To Answer It


"What is your greatest strength?" is one of the most common questions asked in an interview. Here are some tips on answering this question. Consider the answer to the question prior to the interview; you should expect the question and the interviewer will be expecting a considered answer. Focus on a few strengths which you [...]

The “What’s Your Greatest Strength?” Question, And How To Answer It2013-04-10T23:34:54-05:00

Things You Can Do At An Interview To Improve Your Chances


When you finally get that long-awaited interview, it is only natural that you will want to make a good impression.  These tips will help you to do just that. Review your resume / CV prior to the interview and run through each position you've held in your head. Be able to demonstrate specific examples of [...]

Things You Can Do At An Interview To Improve Your Chances2013-04-10T21:20:40-05:00
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